Mishke Panda Free Amigurumi Pattern
Necessary Materials
Yarn in black and white – Alize Moher Classic
Eyes – 0.9 plastic half-bead.
Hook – 2.0
Some yarn is thin white and black (acrylic)
Filler – holofiber
Needles for stitching parts
Clay MomentCrystal
MR-ring amigurumi
Sc – single crochet
Dc – double crochet
Hdc- half crochet
İnc – increase
Dec – decrease
(…) – number of loops in a row
Head. (white)
1.6 Sc in MR
2.6 İnc (12)
3.1 Sc, İnc * 6 (18)
4.5 Sc, İnc * 3 (21)
5.6 Sc, İnc * 3 (24)
6.7 Sc, İnc * 3 (27)
7.8 Sc, İnc * 3 (30)
8.9 Sc, İnc * 3 (33)
9.10 Sc, İnc * 3 (36)
10.36 Sc
11.6 İnc of Hdc, 24 Sc, 6 İnc of Hdc (48)
12.48 Sc
13.7 Sc, İnc * 6 (54)
14.15 Sc, 7Hdc, 10 Sc, 7Hdc, 15 Sc (54)
15. – 20.54 Sc (6 rows)
21.7 Sc, Dec * 6 (48)
22.6 Sc, Dec * 6 (42)
23. 42 Sc
24.5 Sc, Dec * 6 (36)
25.4 Sc, Dec * 6 (30)
26.30 Sc
27. 3 Sc, Dec * 6 (24) fill your head tight, especially
area of the cheeks.
28.2 Sc, Dec * 6 (18)
29.1 Sc, Dec * 6 (12)
30.6 Dec. (6) Close the hole, hide the thread.
The torso. (beginning with a white color)
1.6 Sc in MR
2.6 İnc (12)
3.1 Sc, İnc * 6 (18)
4.2 Sc, İnc * 6 (24)
5.3 Sc, İnc * 6 (30)
6.4 Sc, İnc * 6 (36)
7.5 Sc, İnc * 6 (42)
8. 6 Sc, İnc * 6 (48)
9.7 Sc, İnc * 6 (54)
10.-19. 54 Sc (10 rows)
20. 7 Sc, Dec * 6 (48)
21. 48 Sc
22.18 Sc, 6 Dec, 18 Sc (42)
23.42 Sc. Change the color to black.
24. 42 Sc
25.5 Sc, Dec * 6 (36)
26.- 27. 36 Sc (2 rows)
28.4 Sc, Dec * 6 (30)
29.3 Sc, Dec * 6 (24)
30.24 Sc. Finish, leave the thread.
Fill tightly.
Upper paws (2 children) black
1.6 Sc in MR
2.6İnc (12)
3.1 Sc, İnc * 6 (18)
4.-13.18 Sc (10 rows)
14.8 Hdc, 10 Sc (18)
15.18 Sc
16.2 Dec, 10 Sc, 2 Dec (14)
17.-23.14 Sc (7 rows) Stuff in the foot.
24.7 Dec. Close the hole, hide the thread.
The wider end is the bottom of the handle, the narrower is the shoulder (top))
Lower paws (2 children) beginning with a white color
1.6 Sc in MR
2.6 İnc (12)
3.1 Sc, İnc * 6 (18)
4.2 Sc, İnc * 6 (24)
5.30 Sc. Change the color to black
6.30 Sc for the back of the hinge
7.-11. 30 Sc (5 rows)
12.9 Sc, 6 Dec, 9 Sc (24)
13.-17. 24 Sc (5 rows)
18.4 Sc, 3 İnc, 10 Sc, 3 İnc, 4 Sc (30)
19.-22. 30 Sc (4 rows)
23.3 Sc, Dec * 6 (24)
24.24 Sc
25.2 Sc, Dec * 6 (18)
26.18 Sc. Stuff the foot
27.1 Sc, Dec * 6 (12)
28. 6 Dec (6) Close the hole, hide the thread.
Ears. (2 children) black color
1.6 Sc in MR
2.6 İnc (12)
3.1 Sc, İnc * 6 (18)
4.-6.18 Sc (3 rows)
7.1 Sc, Dec * 6 (12)
8.12 Sc. Fold together in half knit 6
Sc. Finish, leave the thread. Don’t stuff!
Spots for the eye (2 children) black
BMR: 1 Sc, 1 Hdc, 2Dc, 1s with 2
Dc, 2Dc, 1Hdc, 1Sc, 1Hdc, 2Dc,
1Hdc, 1Sc, tighten ring
amigurumi, 1vp (turn),
we tie 14 Sc. Finish,
leave the thread for sewing.
Tail. (Black color)
1.6 Sc in MR
2.6 İnc (12)
3.12 Sc
4. Fold the tail in half, knit together 5-6 Sc, not
stuffed. Finish, leave the thread.
We make an eye lift, we make a muzzle,
we sew on the eye-sockets (first we comb
them), then glue the eyes, embroider
squirrels. Comb the ears and sew to the head.
Install the head and sew on
torso. Then fasten the tabs: upper and
lower ones using thread fastening.
Sew the tail. Combing
a toy, combing. Embroider
fingers on the lower legs.
tinted toy.
The toy turns out size. 20 cm standing, from declared materials!
Thank you for being doubtful pleasant creativity to you and
straight loops please
mark me in your ready
works. This masterclass is mine