Legs*2Start with white yarn1. 6sc in magic ring(6)2. (1sc,1 inc)*3 (9)3. (2sc,1 inc)*3 (12)4. (3sc,1 inc)*3 (15)Start crocheting the body, two legs side by side5.…
Sheep rattle – Rattles, blankies and stuffed animals; the cutest baby toys are self-made! By varying in colours, figures and yarns you can easily create…
MATERİALS:Yarn: Gazzal baby cottonHook: 2 mm or 1,75 mm6 mm eyesfiberfill ABBREVİATİONS:ch:chainst: stitchmr: magic ringsc: single crochetinc: increase (2 sc in the next st)dec: decreasess:…
Yarn for the giraffe: YarnArt Jeans, hook: 2.5 mmYarn for the dress: Bella Alize, knit needle: 2.5 mm Abbreviations:R = rowmc = magic circlech = chainsc =…
Materials:Crochet hook size B1-C2 (2,5mm)Rainbow Cotton 8/4Lammy Polar yarnPoly pelletsFiberfill Abbreviations:MR: Magic ringch: chain stitchs: stitchsts: sticthessc: single crochetBlo: back loop onlyss: slip stitch Measurements: approx…
ABBREVİATİONS:ch:chainst: stitchmr: magic ringsc: single crochetinc: increase (2 sc in the next st)dec: decreasehdc: half double crochetdc: double crochetss: slip stitch( )*6 : Repeat whatever…
Abbreviations:R = rowmc = magic circlech = chainsc = single crochetinc = 2 sc in the next stitchdec = single crochet 2 stitches togetherF.o. =…
NECESSARY MATERIALS: 1. Yarn in two colors* Gray for the main color (Alize Coton Gold)* Green color for the overalls (Gazzal Baby Cotton) 2. Fiberfill 3. Beads for…
Head:1r.-2 VP-6 PRS (6 PRS in Amigurumi ring)Say-6 arr. = 12 PRS3r.-3 arr, 3 PRS, 3 arr, 3 PRS = 18 PRS4r.-3 arr, 6 PRS,…
Abbreviationsch = Chaindec = Use the invisible decrease, insert your hook into the frontloops of the next two stitshes, yarn over draw through the first two loops,…